We travelled to Chanthaburi as while living in North Thailand we wanted to escape the smog season when the air becomes unhealthy. Actually we did plan that last year already but Corona-Lockdown stopped us. We did travel to the beach of Hat Chao Lao, one of the many beaches along the mangrove coast-line of Chanthaburi province. A long stretched beach with some small and some bigger resorts. We did stay here already a few years ago. No it is not the type of beach you see in travel magazines with crystal clear sea and white sandy beach. But also no high-rise buildings, no bars, no massage places, no western restaurants, no party scene. Actually I was surprised to find the simple beach life with "cheap" bungalows along right along the beach, like beach life was 20 years ago in Thailand. As Hat Chao Lao is less as 300 km away from Bangkok you would think to find condo's and many big hotels. But none of that. Yes in the weekend it can get busy, but at week-days we have the resort & swimming pool for ourselves. Following are a few photos and in the next few days I will try to make some more postings with photos and information about Chanthaburi province in general and about places to see & visit. For more information see
A Guide to Coastline of Chanthaburi. If you are interested to visit Chanthaburi, Northeast- or North Thailand, please contact me by email at
The Little Elephant Traveling in Thailand.