Travel Tips about the Wednesday Market in Pua

As Thai people like to eat and like to eat fresh food there are fresh-food markets in every little village. And as Pua is a bit bigger as a village there are of course many markets. At the Wednesday Market is sold almost everything you could think of from meat, fish and vegetables to cloths, shoes and bicycles. Check out my Travelogue about Pua. Pua Wednesday Market is just 2 km from Non Na Pua Homestay.

When to go to Wednesday Market?

The Pua Wednesday Market is all year around, every Wednesday starting at 15:00 until 19:00 but best to be visited around 17:00

Where to go?

Since Februari 2022 the Pua Wednesday Market moved about 500m east. The Pua Wednesday Market is located right along route 1081 about 2.5 km from the main T-intersection in town, just before the S-curve in route 1081.
