Check! Coffee stop at Lalana Cafe in Tha Wang Pha

Lalana Cafe Nan in Tha Wang Pha, North Thailand

While driving to Tha Wang Pha we saw a new coffee shop / cafe between the rice fields near Tha Wang Pha in Nan province, North Thailand. So of course we made pit-stop and wow I am happy they are not located near where we are living! We enjoyed a delicious home-made tiramisu and fresh made peach drinks. We were told that they make all their cakes themselves! So I will come back. Highly recommended if you are in the area!

They have both indoor & outdoor seating and a lovely garden. Must be said that at the moment due to the high temperatures the air-conditioning can not really cool the indoor seating. And be aware that normally they are closed on Tuesdays. For more information see : Facebook Lalana Cafe.

This travelogue follows my traveling in Thailand (and beyond) with in between information that might help you when traveling in Thailand. If you are interested to visit Thailand and need some information or help then feel free to contact me by email at The Little Elephant Traveling in Thailand.

Lalana Cafe Nan in Tha Wang Pha, North Thailand
Cakes and more cakes at Lalana Cafe Nan

Lalana Cafe Nan in Tha Wang Pha, North Thailand
Interior at Lalana Cafe Nan

Lalana Cafe Nan in Tha Wang Pha, North Thailand
Croissants and more at Lalana Cafe Nan

Lalana Cafe Nan in Tha Wang Pha, North Thailand
My tiramisu at Lalana Cafe Nan

Lalana Cafe Nan in Tha Wang Pha, North Thailand
Garden at Lalana Cafe Nan

Disclaimer : All information is created in good faith and is an expression of fair comment.
