Check! Delicious cake at Huan Hung Tor Coffee Shop in Nan town

Destination Travel Guide Nan, North Thailand

Although in Nan town are already many new, trendy coffee shops following a Thai success business a new coffee shop is openend. And I am sure there will be many new coffee shops in 2018. And some will close. But probably not this new coffee shop. A bit trendy but very well managed and setup coffee shop. Or actually a bit more as a coffee shop. There is a big garden around with a pound and it is all decorated in a local old country style. And to support the local community for your coffee you can choose between 7 local grown coffee beans! I like that. And as for cakes you can choose from cakes made by a few different local bakeries. Also that I like. I am not a coffee drinker, but I have been told the coffee was good. And I loved my Hot Chocolate. So highly recommended for a Coffee, Cake or Hot Chocolate. And a nice place to just sit and relax.

Information of Huan Hung Tor Cafe

  • About 500m into Mahayot road Soi 6/1
  • Facebook : Huan Hung Tor Cafe
  • Kitchen : Hot & Cold drinks + Cakes
  • Opening hours : 8:00 - 18:00
  • Seating : Outdoors & Indoors (but no air-conditioning)
  • Parking : On site

Destination Travel Guide Nan, North Thailand
Garden of Huan Hung Tor Cafe in Nan town, North Thailand

Destination Travel Guide Nan, North Thailand
Seating at Huan Hung Tor Cafe in Nan town, North Thailand

Destination Travel Guide Nan, North Thailand
Cake at Huan Hung Tor Cafe in Nan town, North Thailand

Destination Travel Guide Nan, North Thailand
Interior at Huan Hung Tor Cafe in Nan town, North Thailand

Destination Travel Guide Nan, North Thailand
Staff  at Huan Hung Tor Cafe in Nan town, North Thailand

Destination Travel Guide Nan, North Thailand
7 local made coffee  at Huan Hung Tor Cafe in Nan town, North Thailand

Disclaimer : All information is created in good faith and is an expression of fair comment.