When arriving in Nan town my wife needs a good cup of coffee and I am carving for a good cake. So of course we go to Mix Academic Cafe. Open from early as 8:00am! Mix Academic Cafe is said to have the best coffee in Nan and serving delicious cakes. But it is not only a coffee shop, it is also restaurant serving simple Thai food. And if that is not enough ... they also have a swimming pool that can be used (not free of course). And with an opening time of 8:00am it is a good place for a simple breakfast with a good coffee.
Information of Mix Academic Cafe
- Prempracharat road, Nan town
- Facebook : Mix Academic Cafe
- Open from 8:00 - 18:00
- Kitchen : Cold & Hot drinks + Cake + now also limited Thai food
- Seating : Indoors + limited outdoors
- Parking : Street
Disclaimer : All information is created in good faith and is an expression of fair comment.