Check! Lunch at Laap Phet Yaso Restaurant in Pua

Laap Phet Yaso Restaurant in Pua

Laap Phet Yaso Restaurant is one of our favourite's for lunch, they specialise in Thai Isaan food and as they name suggests in Duck. And as the name suggests the cook comes from Yasathon in North-East Thailand. Laap Phed Yaso Restaurant may not look much of a restaurant but if you like Thai Isaan food then this is the best place in Pua town. They do so good business that mostly between 15:00 and 16:00 they are sold out! So they do not need more customers, so no Facebook page or any social media. But just delicious food, it might it be a bit spicy. 

Information of Laap Phed Yaso Restaurant

  • Along route 101 just after the Shell gasoline station
  • Kitchen : Thai Isaan
  • Opening hours : 10:00 - 17:00
  • Seating : Outdoors & indoors (but no air-con)
  • Parking : Along the street
  • Location : Laap Phet Yaso Restaurant on Google Maps
