Check! Visiting at Hin Pha Homestay in Pua

The prime asset of Hin pha Homestay is the location in the middle of the rice fields of Pua. There are a few small bungalows, all with private bathroom, TV and air-conditioning. Some bungalows have a private balcony. And in the cool season there are 2 comfortable tents for camping. Of course there is private parking and there even is an kitchen that you can use to make your own local food. Nice friendly people and a great local experience. Be aware that Hin pha Homestay is not within walking distance from anything.

Information of Hin pha Homestay

  • In between the rice fields, about 5 km north of the center of Pua town
  • Facebook : Hinpha Homestay
  • Room rate : 1.000 - 1.400 Thai baht incl. simple breakfast & dinner
This travelogue follows my traveling in Thailand (and beyond) with in between information that might help you when traveling in Thailand. If you are interested to visit North Thailand or any other place in Thailand and need some information then feel free to contact me by email at The Little Elephant Traveling in Thailand. Are you searching for accommodation in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam? Read all my accommodation reviews at Sleeping

Disclaimer : All information is created in good faith and is an expression of fair comment.
